Consultancy to Develop a Video on The National Plan of Action on Marine Litter

Sector:Agriculture and Rural Development
SDGs: Clean Water and Sanitation, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water
Country/Region: Phillipines

The Need

The National Plan of Action for the Prevention, Reduction, and Management of Marine Litter (NPOA-ML) has been conceptualized to provide an outline to further the current endeavours of the country in resource and waste management and to focus masses’ attention to marine litter issues and the control of additional leakage of waste into bodies of water.


ASSIST understood that as a part of this initiative under the vision of “A Philippines, free of marine litter through shared responsibility, accountability, and participatory governance”, and under the overarching banner of having “Zero waste to Philippine waters by 2040″, various targeted campaigns have been developed over the years.

Our Output/Impact

ASSIST  successfully deliver an 8-minute compelling video to support free litter to support these efforts.

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